You Are Welcome Here!
We are glad you’re here! This is a place where all are loved and accepted no matter their age, class, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Here we are challenged to reflect on our beliefs, acknowledge our doubts, ask our questions, and grow in faith. God’s desire for compassion, healing, reconciliation, and justice is preached. All are given the opportunity to put faith into action. All are truly welcome here. We hope to get to know you as a new friend!
At Marcellus First Presbyterian Church, we believe that we are meant to live out our faith in the world. We are very active in mission projects that give each one of us the chance to make a difference. Our members work together in a variety of one-time and recurring mission giving opportunities.

The Onondaga Nation Education fund supports Onondagas enrolled in higher education. To date, over 80 Onondagas have received ONE scholarships.
MFPC Mission Interpretation Committee members Tom O'Neil, Sandy Manciocchi, and Joanna Bogdan-Fyles count and pack coats, hats, mittens and scarves donated by church members. The donations were taken to Interfaith Works and will be given to refugee families the organization helps to settle in our community.
Following our tradition of “getting out of the pews” when there are five Sundays in the month and into the community for a hands-on mission experience,16 volunteers left the parking lot after worship on Sunday, September 29 for the InterFaith Works (IFW) warehouse in East Syracuse. After a brief orientation by IFW staff, two groups of volunteers headed to two apartments, which will soon house incoming refugee families. Furniture was arranged, beds made up, curtains hung, bathrooms readied, and the kitchens cleaned and stocked with dishes, pots and pans and cooking utensils. Read more.......
Church members built a bed as part of the Mission Interpretation Committee’s fifth Sunday field trip to Sleep in Heavenly Peace June 30. Assembling a single bed are Sue Wegman and Karl Barner, front, and Steve Barney and Ken Fyles, back, with Tom O’Neill. Tom showed participants around the building where materials are stowed and assembled. The non-profit organization is an all-volunteer group that builds, assembles and delivers beds to children (ages 3 to 17) in need in the greater Syracuse and Oswego City area. Since its first delivery Oct. 6, 2018, the local organization has delivered more than 5,000 beds.
Read more on our Missions page under the MINISTRIES tab above.
"Here is where I see the face of God"